Thursday 15 August 2013

Telangana Issue – The Real Facts

Leaving aside the politics and the strategies of the politicians let take a look at the real facts about Telangana issue and its status. Do we really need a separate Telangana State?

The Real Facts Formation of Andhra Pradesh

In 1947 Nizam of Hyderabad State (Telangana) did not want to merge with India
In 1948 Hyderabad State was forced to become part of India
In 1953 Andhra State was formed based on Telugu speaking area (Sacrifice of Potti Sriramulu who fasted until death)

Jawaharlal Nehru appointed States Reorganization Commission (SRC) to divide (reorganize) Indian states based on people speaking the same language. And there was a proposal to merge Hyderabad State and Andhra State. But the SRC was against this as they thought that Hyderabad State was underdeveloped and it better be a seperate state for its own good.

In 1956 Hyderabad State (Telangana) was merged with Andhra State to form Andhra Pradesh But the Government ignored SRC and there was an agreement called “Gentleman’s agreement” which assured sufficient development for Telangana.

After 13 years starts a movement to seperate Andhra Pradesh again
In 1969 Jai Telangana Movement started People in Telangana region were not happy with the 1956 agreement as the Government did not implement what was promised. Students in Osmania University started this movement and this caused violence and deaths of hundreds of people in Telangana region. The sacrifices of these people were wasted as the cruel politics of Congress lured many separatists to their party and the movement was all dampened.
After 1969 there was not many complains from the people of the region but when even a new party wants to come to power they bring up the topic of Seperate Telangana State to win elections starting
In 1990′s BJP promised a separate state if they come to power but could not as TDP was opposing it
In 2004 Congress promised a separate state if they come to power and merged with parties in Telangana regions to win elections.
Now It looks like the new party PRP by Chiranjeevi is also planning the same to come to power.
Some Controversial Facts:
Pro Telangan:
People from Telangana region pay more taxes (More Alcohol consumption) than Andhra but the claim is that these are being used for the development of Andhra regions. It if were a separate state it can use all the money from the region for its own development.

No Telangana: Isn’t it a fact that every part of the state needs resources for its own development. As most parts of Andhra have good lands they generate more money and this can be shared if not equally. There are no big movements after 1969 unless the political parties bring it up
Aside from the Facts there are the questions that need to answered
Yes, Telangana was not being developed in 1969. Does that fact still apply after 40 years in 2009?

Isn’t Hyderabad the 5th largest city in the country and is in Telangana region?
Where will the Telangana get money for its development (Still from Alcohol Taxes) or Will it be only from Hyderabad?

Do the people in Telangana regions really feel the pain or Is it just a political game to come to power?

Is it just the small parties in Telangana region that want recognition by getting a new state?

Was the decision made by the government in 1956 based on Telugu speaking people instead of development a right one?

Is it just that people who want identity bring this up so that they could get one?
Will Telugu Thalli be split into half?

Why is this issue so low during NTR’s period?

Does Telangana have Identity crises? Don’t even talk about it. Its about the development of the region.

I wish the politicians or the political parties take right decisions based on the real fact that could develop the Telangana region and give an advantage to the people living there instead of playing games to get power. Be it a separate Telangana State or a unified Andhra Pradesh. If Mani Ratnam is from Telugu he would have made a great movie by now (Just a thought as this is Telugu Cinema Website) Remember it all stated with The Nizam Of Hyderabad in 1947 and after 60 years it still continues…

Note: This article may have little discrepancies from the real facts unintentionally. Corrections are always welcome. This article tried to be neutral as an issue always has two stories.

What do you think? Do you know more about this issue? Do you think some of the facts are missing? Please write your opinion in comments section below.

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