Thursday 22 August 2013

Gentlemen's agreement of Andhra Pradesh (1956)

Agreement text
A Regional Standing Committee: 1. There will be one legislature for the whole of Andhra Pradesh which will be
the sole law making body for the entire state and there be one Governor for the State aided and advised by the
Council of Ministers responsible to the State Assembly for the entire field of Administration.
2. For the more convenient transaction of the business of Government with regard to some specified matters the
Telangana area will be treated as one region.
3. For the Telangana region there will be a Regional Standing Committee of the state assembly consisting of the
members of the State Assembly belonging to that region including the Ministers from that region but not including
the Chief Minister.
4. Legislation relating to specified matters will be referred to the Regional committee. In respect of specified matters
proposals may also be made by the Regional Committee to the State Government for legislation or with regard to the
question of general policy not involving any financial commitments other than expenditure of a routine and
incidental character.
5. The advice tendered by the Regional Committee will normally be accepted by the Government and the State
Legislature. In case of difference of opinion, reference will be made to the Governor whose decision will be binding.
6. The Regional Committee will deal with following matters:
      i) Development and economic planning within the framework of the general development plans formulated by
      the State Legislature.
      ii) Local Self Government, that is to say, the Constitutional powers of Municipal Corporations, Improvement
      Trusts, District Boards and district authorities for the purpose of Local Self Government or Village
Gentlemen's agreement of Andhra Pradesh (1956)                                                                               2
           iii) Public health and sanitation, local hospitals and dispensaries.
           iv) Primary and secondary education.
           v)Regulation of admission to the educational institutions in the telangana region.
           vii) Sale of agricultural lands.
           viii) Cottage and small scale Industries, and
           ix) Agriculture, Cooperative Societies, Markets and Fairs.
    Unless revised by agreement earlier this arrangement will be reviewed after ten years.
    B. Domicile Rules : Telangana is regarded as a unit as far as recruitment to subordinate services is concerned; posts
    borne on the cadre of these services may be reserved for being filled up by persons who satisfy the domicile
    conditions as prescribed under the existing Hyderabad Mulki Rules. ( 12 years of Stay in Telangana area)
    C. The position of Urdu. The Government of India would advise the state Government to take appropriate steps to
    ensure that the existing position of Urdu in administrative and judicial structure of the State is maintained for a
    period of five years.
    D. Retrenchment of surplus personnel in the new State. The Government of India do not anticipate any
    retrenchment. The intention is that so far as possible, the service personnel from the Hyderabad State should be
    automatically integrated into the services of the Andhra Pradesh without any process of screening. Should, however,
    any retrenchment be found necessary, the entire personnel of the services of the enlarged State will be treated on
    equal footing.
    E. Distribution of expenditure between Telangana and Andhra Regions. Allocation of expenditure with the
    resources of the state is a matter which falls within the purview of the State Government and the State Legislature..
    Since, however, it has been agreed to the representatives of Andhra and Telangana that the expenditure of the new
    state on central and general administration should be borne proportionately by the two regions and the balance of
    income should be reserved for expenditure on the development of Telangana area, it is open to the state government
    to act in accordance with the terms of agreement in making budgetary allocations. The Government of India propose
    to invite the attention of the Chief Minister of Andhra to this particular understanding and to express the hope that it
    will be implemented.
    F. The existing educational facilities including Technical Education in Telangana should be secured to the students
    of Telangana and further improved---
    G. The cabinet will consist of members in proportion of 60:40 percent for Andhra and Telangana respectively, out of
    40% of Telangana ministers, one will be a Muslim from Telangana. If the Chief Minister is from one region the
    other region should be given Dy Chief Ministership.

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